
Sanjana Challa

Research Assistant: Database Management

College: William and Mary

Why did you choose AHIRF? *

The unique opportunity to pursue research while simultaneously gaining clinical experience.

What studies have you been a part of at AHI? *

Minimum 5-Year Outcomes of High-Level Athletes with Borderline Dysplasia Undergoing Primary Hip Arthroscopy with a Sub-Analysis Against a Propensity-Matched Nondysplastic Control Group Systematic Review of Labral Biomechanics

My top experience was meeting my fellow interns. I think candidates need to be willing to learn and be great team players.

How has your time at AHI, impacted your path?

I have learned a lot more than I thought I would

Next stop; medical school!

And finally, what is your epic advice for the new interns?

Do not be intimidated!
